I'm ready to work with you to design and create your transformed life in 2018...
Hello Beautiful People, I’m ready to work with a small group of individuals committed to a living a healthy, transformed life. I live an extraordinary life of exploration and I want to share that with you. You too can have access to this way of being in your own life. I may go for a swim naked in the ocean and then do a full body painting like the one above in the photo. If that sounds way out of your box and yet something says you want to dream of doing things outside your box then I am your girl! With me you will be designing your life and creating a new lifestyle that is 100% aligned with who you ultimately desire to be and where you wish to be. I am committed to you Living Your Mythic Life.
“Create Your Own Myth” — Rumi Are you at a crossroads? Need inspiration for a new life, new career, or business? The access to any of these things is tapping into your inner creativity and joy.
Are you in a rebirth phase, a phoenix rising from the ashes? Going through a divorce, death of a loved one, dealing with a health crisis or having gone through any of these and wanting to design a new life. Then I am your guide to a new realm of possibilities, creativity and a fun life that is vibrant, healthy and inspired.
This month I am offering a limited number of Complimentary Exploratory Sessions. If you are for 6 or 7 figure entrepreneur or an executive ready to step into your full creative self expression in 2018, book your 'Exploration Session" below. This session and my work is most valuable for someone that is successful in all areas of their life and is looking to add increased creativity, health and soulfulness to their life. If so then I have a spot ready for you. scheduleyourcallwithalexhere.as.me/schedule.php
I assist you in aligning & designing your outer spaces & inner space as one creative, beautiful sanctuary...
P.S. I love my ONLINE SCHEDULER! I've tried many and this one rocks, you can try it for free. Here's your very special invite to try it out & I benefit too by sharing!! https://acuityscheduling.com/?kw=YToxNTAxNzg5NA%3D%3D ...sharing is caring!